Cimtia Ads Project Logo

A online marketplace platform for the sale of traditional (offline) Tv and Radio media ads, which connects small advertisers to large channels and communication vehicles.


I am an entrepreneur who started my own business. As founder of the startup I acted as CTO and back-end developer, responsible for the technology strategy, leading the development team, researching and evaluating new technologies, budgeting and managing the technology budget.

As a backend developer, I created and implemented server-side logic, managed communication between the frontend and the database, created and managed APIs, implemented security features, and optimized application performance.

In this project i worked with several languages and technologies like Firebase, Firestore, Cloud Functions, Node.js and integrated third-party APIs for payment methods, zip code verification and checking the validity of personal registration documents.

Project Overview

Cimtia Ads is a Marketplace or online platform for buying offline media (traditional advertising spaces – such as radio and TV). Allowing small and medium-sized companies to have access to advertising on channels with a large audience on Radio and Open TV stations, either through its easy and intuitive interface or through the negotiated and reduced prices practiced exclusively within the App.

This combination of practicality and affordable prices was the pillar that enabled the connection of thousands of small business with large radio and TV stations. According to data collected from the platform's customers, around 90% of the companies that advertised through the app had never advertised on TV before. This demonstrates an extreme assertiveness with the target audience and confirms an increase in billing by the broadcasters, despite the lower profit margin practiced on the channel.

In the application, the user can manually choose the communication vehicles he wants to advertise and the preferred channels to air the commercial, or even take advantage of the ease of use of the artificial intelligence of Cimtia Ads, which is capable of creating a selection or mapping of the best channels and programs that match the advertising customer's buying public.

Technical specifications: Web application, SPA, with PWA capability (synchronization with the database when offline, push notifications, installation of home icon etc.)

Tools Used








Firebase Auth

Firebase Storage

Cloud Functions

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Live Link Figma Prototype